Digital Prints

Digital prints are available for the following pieces:

Bella - Digital Prints available in A3 and A4 sizes

As these are printed on demand please contact me for prices


A5 postcards/digital prints

£3 each, £5 for two

 Original Pieces

Many of the pieces I create are one-offs or commissions. However, I do occasionally sell old work to make space for new ones!

If something is for sale I will post it here, but for hot-off-the-press updates, follow me on Instagram.

The Butcher, The Baker and the Candlestick Maker

Mixed media on paper 2021 - 2022

Framed in matching coloured frames

This trio of collages was created to explore the shapes and colours of simple objects.

£250 set of three or £100 each

Alternatively, perhaps you’d like to commission a piece?

It’s really not as extravagant as you might think…

 Previous Commissions

Below are some of the commissions I’ve done in the past.

When scrolling through, please remember that many of these were taken long before good quality digital cameras were so readily available!